We are developing a programming model aimed at young adults to provide them with a “mental and physical playground” during the most critical time of their life, to help them transition to adulthood and discover what talents and interests lie within themselves and provide them with opportunities for empowerment. This is a community based program model that will be developed for national distribution and includes workshops, hands on learning, local partnerships, art exploration and leadership development. Wave22 will be mostly a volunteer operation with the goal to have a small staff at each location of young adults(peers) to help provide jobs while also maintaining the necessary connection with youth. The intention is for some of our youth to stay on as peers.
The programming will consist of an abundance of free programs that is cleverly designed to give them a taste of various experiences via volunteer run workshops provided in collaboration with local businesses and leaders. There will be some “fee based” workshops for those that wish to advance their training. Some of the fees will be monetary and some of them will be work based to help maintain the facilities. We are creating not only a community resource but a community of givers. There will be ample opportunities for youth to choose to give back in the community.
Community based buildings that have space for workshops, events, community gathering spaces, shared use of technology, ongoing youth led artistic events like concerts and art gallery showings, basic kitchen space for learning and gathering, storage space, and restrooms.
Key Areas: Art, Education, Communication, Wellness, Family, Youth, Adult, Leadership, Interpersonal Communication Training, Life Skills Training, Meditation, Personal Enrichment, Personal Growth, Self-Esteem Workshops, Social Responsibility, Team Building Activities, Yoga
Population(s) Served: Adolescents (13-19 years) , Families, Young Adults (20 – 25 years)
Adolescents (13-19 years) –